Local Offer survey plus crafts for kids
On Wednesday 29th May 2024 we held a session with Haringey SEND to improve the Local Offer. The Local Offer is where you can find out what services and support is available locally to children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) and their families.
Haringey SEND department has developed a survey for parents, young people and practitioners to feedback how the Local Offer can be more accessible and easier to navigate, so they can find the information they need. You can still take part: Local Offer Redesign: feedback form (office.com)
We had a great discussion, and parents and carers were able to hear what changes have been planned thanks to responses to the above survey, as well as feedback what they would like to see changed. Thank you to all the parents who attended!
As it was half-term, we organised some arts and crafts activities for the children. They had a blast painting, making clay creations, and drawing on rainbow scratch paper! We had some support staff from a local Special School to assist children who needed a bit of extra help. Take a look at some of the photos of the day: